Generally if there are some master data issues then we will get the below error message during the Inspection Lot Generation.
Characteristic results cannot be recorded for inspection lot 1000xxxxxx
Message no. QE181
You cannot record any characteristic results for this inspection lot. The material master has been set up for the existing inspection type in such a way that results recording is not supported.
Confirm defects for this inspection lot or select another inspection lot in which you can confirm the characteristic results.
- Please check if there is a Task List assigned to the Inspection lot.
- If not then try to go to the change mode of the inspection lot and try to assign the task list /Spec
- Either it will get assigned or it will provide some error messages.
- Once you resolve this then the next inspection lot should get the Task list automatically
Also note the easy way of identifying this issue is by using the Inspection lot status. The below comparison will help you .