
Batch Management – Standard Characteristics Creation.


This blog details the process to update/ create the standard batch characteristics in the SAP – system.Whenever a new client is built you will not be finding the SAP – Standard characteritics. This concerns all characteristics starting with LOBM_*.


  • LOBM_VFDAT  expiration date, shelf life
  • LOBM_VERAB  availability date

To activate this we need to perform the below customization in the system.

This particular acvitity is to be peformed during the below cases:

  • In newly created clients, after copying other clients
  • After defining object dependencies for standard characteristic LOBM_RLZ
  • In every client after a release upgrade

The configuration Path is as below :Logistics – General> Batch Managment > Batch valuation > Update Standard Characteristics.  Once you run this configuration node , the standard cstics will be created and also the requried Object dependencies will also be creatd ( Copied from the client 000). This should be part of all new client preparation check list, cutover check list also.

Conversion factor of single-unit batch.Message no. MILL101


In case if you are facing the below error , espcially in case if you are using the IS-Mill functionality or the single unit batch concept.

factor of single-unit batch Message no. MILL101.

This message is received if there is any inconsistency in the Batch specific unit of measure that has been adopted in the batch classification, Especially when you make return delivery or other cancellations if the Batch specific uom characteristics is not empty then this error will occur.