
Batch Management – Standard Characteristics Creation.


This blog details the process to update/ create the standard batch characteristics in the SAP – system.Whenever a new client is built you will not be finding the SAP – Standard characteritics. This concerns all characteristics starting with LOBM_*.


  • LOBM_VFDAT  expiration date, shelf life
  • LOBM_VERAB  availability date

To activate this we need to perform the below customization in the system.

This particular acvitity is to be peformed during the below cases:

  • In newly created clients, after copying other clients
  • After defining object dependencies for standard characteristic LOBM_RLZ
  • In every client after a release upgrade

The configuration Path is as below :Logistics – General> Batch Managment > Batch valuation > Update Standard Characteristics.  Once you run this configuration node , the standard cstics will be created and also the requried Object dependencies will also be creatd ( Copied from the client 000). This should be part of all new client preparation check list, cutover check list also.