
New BOM Transaction in S4 Hana

There are few new BOM Transactions in S4 Hana (onPrem) as listed below

⚡ CS11H        Display BOM level by level-SAP HANA

⚡ CS12H        Display multilevel BOM – SAP HANA

⚡ CS13H        Display Summarized BOM – SAP HANA

These Transactions use the CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2_HANA and not the classical Function module. SAP Has done Time consumption between classical and S4 Hana and concludes When the Data set or the complexity of the BOM is more then only the Improved Performance can be noticed.

Curious about the details? Dive into the comprehensive time comparison study at https://me.sap.com/notes/0002469718

If you’ve had hands-on experience with these transactions or the function module, I would love to hear your insights! Drop a comment below and share your thoughts

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