
SAP Data Migration CockPit

What is SAP DMC ?

SAP DMC  Stands for the SAP Data Migration Cockpit. SAP is Sunsetting the support of LSMW and other upload tools in the Hana Envirornment.

Earlier the Data migration was done using the LTMC. SAP offered the features of migrating or uploading the data for the S4 hana system with the predefined objects like Materail master, BOM , Routing etc.

It has options to Upload the data using files or staging tables this was available in the S4 Hana version 1909.

But From S4 Hana (OP) 2020, it is strongly bringing the SAP DMC is the only source ( Same as LTMC) but the addittional feature here is  we can directly connect the ECC system to S4 Hana system through this SAP DMC and perform the required data migration.

This also provides features to do the Mapping ( Transformation) in case if there is any changes in the master data, etc if the costcenter is changed then we can provide the source vs target and which help to create the new cost center in the S4 Hana system.

The intent of this post is to bring awareness on this tool and further topics will be detailed in the subsequent Posts.

More details about this SAP DMC is available in this link https://www.sap.com/documents/2017/07/26113ac0-c47c-0010-82c7-eda71af511fa.html and also keep watching this space for more updates on this topic

MRP – Classic MRP Vs MRP Live

             This Blog will feature the comparison on the selection screen parameters of the classic MRP vs MRP Live.
            As many of us will be switching from ECC to S4 Hana and MRP being one of the key functionalities of the Production planning , we will Compare the fields and also key influencing factors in this.

Comparison of Selection Fields

Reference SAP Notes:

268085    – S4TWL – MRP Live on SAP HANA – MD01N
1914010 – MD01N: Restrictions for Planning in MRP Live on HANA
1989922 –   MD01N: SAP Notes overview
2403691 – MD01n: Extension of Selection Screen (S4CORE)

Why production version is important in S4- Hana?

1. BOM Selection – The BOM Selection can only be done with the Production version.In ECC the Production version selection was optional which was maintained in the Material Master>MRP4>BOM.

Now In S4 the below will be only available and the BOM Selection field has been removed.

2. Sub Contracting Process:

ECC: In ECC for subcontracting process where you need to send components to the Job work vendor a Production BOM will be created with External procurement and Special procurement as 30.

S4 Hana – Along with the Material master setting , the Production version is mandatory. If PV is not maintained then in the P.req / P.Order you will not find the the BOM Explosion.

3. Conversion Report:

For Green Field Projects , this becomes one of the Key Master data.

In case if you are into Migration Project, then Running this report -CS_BOM_PRODVER_MIGRATION02 is mandatory for creation of the production version as part of conversion.

There can be many other important reasons ,do leave them in the comment to update it… #CollectiveLearning

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is current industrial Revolution that most of the companies are trying to catch up. when many of them are at various stages , with current trend it is not option but mandatory for all them to sustain in the business. This is required to increase the efficiency , increase innovation and more personalization which are few of the key drivers of current business scenarios.

Industry 4.0 is mostly managed by the connected devices. The data is collected at / very near to the source in real time, Colloborated with supporting data. It is later processed and presented for the decision makers. Along with this Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning etc help business also to prevent / predict the outcomes.

The innovation in the sensors, Processing the data with edge processors, Storing and processing the data on premise or on cloud is helping many of the enterprises to adapt the Industry 4.0.

When there are many advantages detailed , the common challenges on Business benefit (RoI), Data privacy, Legal regulation are also travelling together. Some of them take bold steps to adapt on the go.

With the communication technology already marching towards 5G+ technologies , this Industry 4.0 will be a mandatory knowledge area which needs to be upgraded / adapted to stay in the game. Let  us continue to learn and Share.

Click here for a quick read on the IoT on manufacturing
Series: Industry 4.0

Ux-Technical Activities

In the previous post (Ux-Different Roles) we have discussed about different stake holder and their roles. This post will detail more about the activities on focus for the technical consultants / track/leads.

The Major tasks/activities is listed below.

1. Landscape Set up: There are many activities but the core one is take control on the landscape setup. As this will be done during the Preparation stage like setting up the Dev / Sandbox system,SAP cloud connector, SAP web IDE , setting up the Internet and Intranet users etc.Setting up the required sizing for all environment etc.

2. Activate Standard: This activity focus on the activation and testing of the SAP fiori applications. Activation of the business role. This activity also to be done in the Preparation stage.

3. Verify and Adjust: This activity will have a overlap during the Preparation phase and also during the explore phase. During the explore phase it will need to support the technical and functional testing. Fine tunning the fiori app performance will also be a key activity.

4. Extend and Build: This activity will be done during the realization phase.Modification/creation of Fiori apps based on confirmed UX.

You can also read about previous post about

Intelligent Enterprise

Different Roles in UX

Happy learning !!

Ux-Different Roles

In the current IT environment , there are many enterprises moving towards creation/ utilization of the Mobile applications 

In case if we are in the development then this user experience track is going to be new area of focus. When many of us would have worked in the Technical environment providing functional specifications, testing , deployment etc.

when in comes to the UX there is going to be many parallel tasks , the below snap shot gives glimpse of activity as per your Roles.

The above list is just and indicator and ff you have already worked do share your thoughts.

Intelligent Enterprise

When there are enterprises catching up on the Digital Transformation, the next disruption that enterprises to be geared up is on the topic ” Intelligent enterprises”

What is Intelligent Enterprise?

There are many definitions, but simple way for me to understand is that organization which are utilizing emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence  (AI), Machine Learning ( ML) and Internet of Things( IOT) to help their business/customer/Product to focus on the High value tasks.

There are many case studies which are emerging and when i have not witnessed anything in person but i am reading about the Robotics used in the Internal movement of goods without any Human intervention. It is like a Point to Point movement of goods with automated signals. Example: A kanban Push / Pull mechanism can be fully automated when the Bins Trigger Full/ Empty signal.


Imagine if an enterprise can provide information to the customer during the complete life cycle from order Placement till delivery of goods and also monitoring the product/service Post delivery. In case if you can also provide flexibility to modify few characteristics during intermittent Stages. I trust then the customer is going to have new experience and the enterprise will also be able to add more value to the product and serivice. If so much flexibility is required then there is lot to be improved in terms of automation, for which adapting the AI,ML,IOT all needs to be colloborated.

I will continue to explore and update this topic. If you have any practical working scenarios will be glad to connect with you.

For more information you can read here https://www.sap.com/india/products/intelligent-enterprise.html