
SAP DMC – List of Migration Objects

In this post we will understand what are all the  migration objects that Standard SAP is offering us as part of the Data Migration cock Pit.

In case if you have landed to this post directly do check the  previous post for easy understanding.

To access the standard list kindly click here and in case if the Link is not working then do copy and post the below link in the browser.


Once when you open the link then , this will provide you all the information.

As you enter the migration object , 1st you need to apply the filter in the top portion for the version and the language. As SAP is continously releasing new objects in subsequent releases , you need to ensure which exact version you are working on.

Also Note the SAP DMC has been introduced only from 1909 so make sure you are on version above 1909 to use this DMC features.


Once you have selected the correct Version then  you will see the list of the all the  migration objects .. Here you can filter with the migration object and you can also filter based on the Object type- if it is master data or the transaction data. The important attention is to be given to the available migration approach if it can be done through the File/Staging table or direct transfer. Also note DMC is widely used on ERP / EWM / AFS so kindly make sure you are checking the releavant application here. Filter can also be applied on the components.

With this information provided now you will be able to identify the migratoin object with approach. This should help you to plan your data migration approach of the Project.

Do leave your comments/ query.As we are continiously learning i will update if there is any correction or any topics to be covered.