SAP Data Migration CockPit
What is SAP DMC ?
SAP DMC Stands for the SAP Data Migration Cockpit. SAP is Sunsetting the support of LSMW and other upload tools in the Hana Envirornment.
Earlier the Data migration was done using the LTMC. SAP offered the features of migrating or uploading the data for the S4 hana system with the predefined objects like Materail master, BOM , Routing etc.
It has options to Upload the data using files or staging tables this was available in the S4 Hana version 1909.
But From S4 Hana (OP) 2020, it is strongly bringing the SAP DMC is the only source ( Same as LTMC) but the addittional feature here is we can directly connect the ECC system to S4 Hana system through this SAP DMC and perform the required data migration.
This also provides features to do the Mapping ( Transformation) in case if there is any changes in the master data, etc if the costcenter is changed then we can provide the source vs target and which help to create the new cost center in the S4 Hana system.
The intent of this post is to bring awareness on this tool and further topics will be detailed in the subsequent Posts.
More details about this SAP DMC is available in this link and also keep watching this space for more updates on this topic